Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
2 Servicing valve gear
Clean sealing surfaces; they must be free of oil and grease.
Lubricate running surfaces of camshafts.
Set up camshaft insert tool -T40094- as follows:
Cylinder head (left-side):
Insert support -T40094/2- in position -A-.
Insert support -T40094/1- in position -D-.
Cylinder head (right-side):
Insert support -T40094/2- in position -B-.
Insert support -T40094/1- in position -C-.
Continuation for both sides:
In the following the procedure is described for the left cyl-
inder head.
The procedure for the right cylinder head is similar and is
performed in the same sequence.
Place exhaust camshaft -1- in support -T40094/1- and
support -T40094/2-.
Turn camshaft in such a way that it can be locked in “TDC”
position using locking device -arrow-.
Place tensioner -T40096- on teeth of camshaft gear in
such a way that the two arms of the tool engage on the
two halves of the gear (one in each half, as shown in illus-
Tighten the clamping tool using the knurled wheel so that
the faces of the gear teeth are in alignment.
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