Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
Repair Group 13 – Crankshaft group
Press guide rail of chain tensioner for timing chain (right-
side) in direction of -arrow- and lock chain tensioner by in-
serting a 3.3 mm
drill bit -item 1-.
Mark running direction of timing chain (right-side) with
Unscrew bolts -1- from chain tensioner and -2- from cam-
shaft sprocket.
Take off camshaft sprocket, chain tensioner and timing
chain (right-side).
Crankshaft -1- locked in “TDC” position with locking pin
Drive chain for valve gear installed
page 83
Renew seal.
Renew the bolts tightened with specified tightening angle.
Check that camshafts on both cylinder heads are posi-
tioned at “TDC”.
It should be possible to lock camshafts with locking pins
The side pin -arrow- in each locking pin -T40060- must be
in line with the imaginary line between the locking pin and
the centre of the camshaft.
Cylinder bank 1 (right-side):
The crankshaft must not be at “TDC” at any cylinder when
the camshafts are turned. Otherwise, there is a risk of dam-
age to valves and piston crowns.
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