Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
Repair Group 17 – Lubrication
Position further components of support bracket
-10-222 A- as shown in illustration. Position supports
-10-222 A/19- onto flanges of longitudinal members.
Push support -T40091/2- with slider support -T40093/5-
into both connecting pieces -T40093/4-.
Screw retainer -T10014- in mounting hole for poly V-belt
Remove eyelet of lifting tackle -2024 A-.
Re-insert pin -1- in centre hole of lifting tackle and secure
with split pin.
Hang pin of lifting tackle onto front spindle of support
Fit extension -2024 A/1- to left side of lifting tackle.
Engage lifting tackle -2024 A- in front right lifting eye on
engine and on retainer -T10014-.
Lift engine until engine supports are positioned above
studs of engine mountings (take up weight at all spindles
Position engine and gearbox jack -V.A.G 1383 A- on sub-
frame from below.
Secure support -T40091/2- with pins and split pins of con-
necting pieces -T40093/4-.
The support hooks and retaining pins on the lifting tackle
must be secured with locking pins -arrows-.
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