Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
1 Removing and installing parts of cooling system
Attach cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274- with adapter
-V.A.G 1274/8- to expansion tank.
Use hand pump on cooling system tester to create a pres-
sure of approx. 1.0 bar.
If the pressure drops:
Trace leak and repair.
Checking pressure relief valve in filler cap
Attach cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274- with adapter
-V.A.G 1274/9- to filler cap.
Use hand pump on cooling system tester to create pres-
The pressure relief valve should open at pressure of
1.4 ... 1.6 bar.
If the relief valve does not open as described:
Renew filler cap.
Removing and installing radiator cowl
Switch off ignition and remove ignition key.
Carefully pull engine cover panel off four retaining pins one
after the other -arrows-.
Detach cover above radiator -arrows-.
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