8 Operation on an SHDSL Access
The SHDSL connection has been
successfully setup on both wire pairs
(the "Sync / L1“ LED is on).
The ARGUS displays the data rate and
the voltage on Line 1 as well as the wire
pair used (see page 114).
The ARGUS displays the connection
parameters of Line 1 (L1/2 on the display)
and Line 2 (L2/2 on the display), see
SHDSL connection 2-wire page 123. To
receive the remote end's parameters, set
"EOC usage“ to "on“ see page 113.
<Line 2>
The ARGUS displays the
bitrate and the voltage on Line
2 plus (if you press
the connection parameters for
Line 2.
<Line 3>
for SHDSL 6-wire, on Line 3
<Line 4>
for SHDSL 8-wire, on Line 4
Scroll through the connection
All of the error counters (CRC,
ES, SES, LOSWS and US) will
be reset to zero (see SHDSL
Connection Parameters on
page 125
Scroll through the displays of
the connection parameters for
the individual line segments (if
there are any). The ARGUS
indicates in the top line which
line segment’s parameters are
currently being displayed.
Scroll through the connection
Return to the State display
The remaining display of the results and
the navigation are handled in the same
manner as on an SHDSL 2-wire access.
The results lists of the line selected will be