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APS CFS300 Series Power Source Operation Manual
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PROGRAM Mode Execution
PROGRAM mode performs pre-defined test sequences by applying output power and taking
load measurements on a unit under test as determined by the program steps that are stored
in memory. Program Memory is non-volatile so once programmed, the unit can be turned
off and back on without losing test step settings.
Initiating a Test
When in PROGRAM mode, a programmed test sequence will start executing as soon as the
TEST/RESET button on the front panel is pushed. The Memory and Step number to start
from is shown in the upper left corner of the LCD. To change the Memory and/or step to
start executing, use the “Memory” and “Step” soft keys respectively. The “n-n” value will
show the selected memory and test at all times. If the Connect field for a step is set to ON,
execution will continue with the next step. If not, execution ends at the end of the step.
The TEST/RESET LED will illuminate while the output is ON and the test program is executed.
In most cases, there will be a test duration time associated with the test steps unless
Continuous mode or Cycle Mode is on.
Monitoring Test Execution
The LCD screen will change to the Measurement screen with soft keys shown below during
program execution. The “Set” indication normally shown in the upper left corner of the LCD
will change to “Dwell” to indicate a dwell time is in effect. (See image below). Other
indicators that may appear in this area are: R-UP, R-DN, Dwell, Delay, VSS, Pass (at end of
test) or Fail (at end of test).
This allows the operator to monitor the load measurements. All measurements are shown
on one screen. Two measurements are shown in large fonts. Pressing the “
” soft key
will toggle the right hand large font reading to one of the other parameters. The reverse