CNC Setup Utility Manual
P/N 70000490C - Machine Constants
All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.
Table 2-2, Machine Constants Setup
Machine Constant
Function Settings
Spindle Flux
Reduction Begin (rpm)
For spindle 1 only.
To reduce the turning-noise of the
spindle motor in a no-load situation, or
to achieve a greater voltage-span at the
beginning of a brake situation, it is
possible to reduce the “no-load’
magnetization from a certain revolution.
This applies for asynchronous motors
only. The value of MC_2937 describes
the number of revolutions, from which
the no-load magnetization is reduced.
Range (0–40000)
0 (rev/min) [Default]
Spindle Flux
Reduction End (rpm)
For spindle 1 only. See also MC_2937.
The revolutions for which the no-load
magnetization is reduced.
Range (0–40000)
0 (rev/min) [Default]
Spindle Flux Change
Factor (%)
For spindle 1 only. See also MC_2937.
Factor by which the no-load
magnetization is reduced (maximum
50%, 0=no reduction).
Range (0–100)
0 Off (percent) [Default]
Spindle Slip Change
Timecons. (ms)
Spindle slip change time constant is for
spindle 1 only.
If a value not equal to 0 is entered, the
motor slip at the start of braking is
increased (by a factor of 2). This
reduces the power fed back into the
converter. The MC-value provides the
time constant with which this slip
increase is returned to normal during
the braking process.
This action in the case of overcurrent
(successive reduction and increase of
the torque current setpoint in relation to
the actual current), which can lead to
substantial noise, especially with large
machines (lathes), is deactivated if
MC-valve >0.
Range (0–5000)
0 (ms) [Default]
Spindle ramp (ms)
Time in milliseconds required for the
spindle to go from zero rpm to
programmed rpm, and from
programmed rpm to zero, when a
spindle CW/CCW or spindle stop
command is issued.
Range (180.0–10000.0)
900.0 (ms) [Default]
Analog Spindle
Maximum motor
speed (rpm)
Defines the maximum constant speed
specified by the manufacturer of the
Range (10.0–99999.0)
1000.0 (rev/min) [Default]