ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
2. The second element of compatibility is the use of the MMS windows on the
customer platform. MMSVIEW assumes that MMS page 4 (resides at D0000h
when MMS page 0 is set up to reside at C0000h) is available for use. This may
conflict with drivers loaded on the evaluation board platform that require the
use of MMS (ROMDOS, EMM386, etc.). It may also conflict with customer
resources located on customer platforms. See “Operating Instructions” on page
3-13 for details on how to change MMS windows.
It is recommended that the test platform/evaluation system be “cold” booted (using
reset button) after MMSVIEW exits so that the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller setup
registers are restored to the proper values before doing further work on the platform.
This is required not only on customer platforms, but on any ÉlanSC310
microcontroller evaluation board that has any ROMDOS, EMM386, or other
drivers installed that require use of the MMS, or memory regions that are controlled
by the MMS. Again, MMSVIEW makes no attempt to restore the system to its
initial state: reset the system when finished.
Use caution when selecting the MMS page to use. Selecting a page that causes
conflicts with other system resources can lock the system. For example, using a
VGA card in the ISA slot of the evaluation board, and selecting pages 0 or 1 of
MMSA causes system conflicts since VGA BIOS decodes at C0000h for 32 Kbyte,
and MMSA pages 0 and 1 also use that address space.
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 18 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM