ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Initial State
After MMSVIEW has been invoked from the DOS command line, data is
displayed in a fashion similar to DOS debug. MMSA page 4 at D0000h is selected,
and the device that is accessed is system RAM. The first 256 bytes of the selected
device are displayed starting at offset 0 (i.e., the start of the interrupt vector table
at 0:0 in RAM.)
Keystroke Commands
Keystroke commands are invoked by simply pressing the keys noted below.
Whenever a keystroke command requires user input, prompts request the required
data. If a command that requires user input is to be aborted without invoking the
command, press the Escape key, and the main data display returns. A command
summary follows.
Pressing the question-mark key from the main data-display screen displays a quick
help list of the keystroke commands available to the utility. Press the Space Bar
from the quick help screen to return to the normal main display screen.
The plus key moves forward through the data 256 bytes at a time. The plus key
thus makes it simple to view the next 100h bytes of data on the selected device.
The minus key performs the inverse operation of the plus key, and causes the
previous 256 bytes of device data to be displayed. The program disallows negative
addresses, and gives a warning click from the speaker if you press the minus key
when the first address displayed on the screen is 0.
Home Key
The Home key displays the data at offset 0 on the current device.
The Escape key causes the utility to return control to the DOS prompt. Note that
no cleanup is done as the program exits, so it is recommended that the user COLD
BOOT before performing any other important operations, especially if ROMDOS
or EMM386 drivers were loaded on the system when MMSVIEW was invoked.
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 14 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM