ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
evalset ser2 0x2f8 3
Sets the Super I/O UART to be COM2:
evalset ser2 0 0
Disables the Super I/O UART
Once the base address is set, the UART is programmed to 9600 baud, no
parity, 8 data, 1 stop.
Parallel Port 1
This is the internal parallel port on the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller. The parallel
port base address is controlled through the Bus Configuration Registers (see the
ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Programmer's Reference Manual). These bus
configuration registers can only be programmed before ISA or Local Bus accesses
are made, so setting the parallel port base address or disabling the parallel port can
only be done at boot time. Thus, the EvalSet utility merely allows control of the
EPP and bidirectional modes on the parallel port. Any base address that is specified
is ignored by the EvalSet utility.
evalset par1 0x3b8 epp_on bi_on
Turns on EPP and
Bidirectional modes.
evalset par1 0x3b8 epp_off bi_off
Turns off EPP and
Bidirectional modes.
EVALSET.EXE can be called from the DOS prompt, autoexec.bat file, or
config.sys file with the proper parameters.
config.sys Example
install=evalset.exe ser1 0x3f8 4
install=evalset.exe ser2 0x2f8 3
install=evalset.exe par1 0x3b8 epp_off bi_on
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 11 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM