ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Memory Management System (MMS) Viewer
This utility is part of the collateral for the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller. The
ÉlanSC310 microcontroller is a highly integrated device with many subsystems.
Many of these subsystems are unique to the ÉlanSC310. The purpose of the
MMSVIEW utility is to provide the new ÉlanSC310 microcontroller user with
the ability to explore the capabilities of the ÉlanSC310 MMS subsystem without
having to invest much in the way of software development or chip register learning
MMSVIEW is a DOS application that may be used to inspect various resources
that are accessible by the ÉlanSC310 MMS subsystem. These resources include
SYSTEM RAM, the BIOS ROM (or resources accessed by the ROMCS signal),
or the DOS ROM (or resources accessed by the DOSCS signal). With this utility,
the following operations may be performed:
• Directly display any region of the system RAM (0–16 Mbyte range), BIOS ROM
(0–16 Mbyte range), and DOS ROM (0–16 Mbyte range).
• Step forward or backward through the data in 256-byte steps or 16-Kbyte steps.
• Select any ÉlanSC310 MMS page from MMSA to view system resources
• Fill areas of system RAM memory with a selected byte.
• Append the currently displayed page of data to a log file in either ASCII or
binary formats.
• View DOS ROM using an 8- or 16-bit interface.
• Perform continuous read/compare operations from a selected resource, and
indicate miscompares on the display.
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 12 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM