ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
3. Find one of the 4-wire power connectors from the PC power supply and attach
it to the 4-pin connector on the hard drive just as you would for a standard PC
installation. The hard drive documentation should indicate the proper
orientation of the power cable.
4. Apply power to the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board by connecting
the PC power supply to an electrical outlet. Then press the black MicroPower
Off button, SW5. The red LED should now be lit.
5. Press the red Reset button, SW2. You should see the BIOS boot message on
the monitor. When booting after a power-up, the CMOS ROM is not configured
and you need to use the BIOS setup utility. Follow the instructions shown on
the monitor to enter the Setup utility.
6. In the BIOS setup utility, you need to configure Drive C for the proper number
of heads, cylinders and sectors. (Some BIOS products have an AutoDetect
feature that automatically detects this information; some require you enter this
information manually.) You should be able to get these numbers from your
hard drive documentation. Follow the prompts to save this configuration and
exit the BIOS setup utility.
7. Whether or not your hard drive contains an already installed bootable disk
image (written from some other PC), you should still keep your bootable
diskette in the A drive and boot from that. After you boot properly from A, try
to do a directory listing of C. If the directory listing of C works, you can try
removing the diskette from A and booting from C (Ctrl-Alt-Delete). Note that
not all BIOS’ have the same mapping of logical to physical sectors on a hard
drive, so if your hard drive was written by the BIOS on some other computer,
it may not be readable by the BIOS on the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller
evaluation board. If you are unable to boot from C, you should reformat the
hard drive for use on the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board (see your
DOS documentation for how to reformat your hard drive).
evalbd.book : ch1 Page 8 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM