ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Chapter 3
Using the Software
The ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board kit currently ships with four
diskettes: the SystemSoft Evaluation diskette, the PhoneixPICO Evaluation
diskette, the Datalight Software Evaluation Kit diskette, and the AMD Utilities
SystemSoft Evaluation Diskette
This diskette contains the evaluation version of SystemSoft’s BIOS ROM image
programmed into the ROM on the evaluation board. Please refer to the
documentation on the diskette for further information about these files.
PhoenixPICO Evaluation Diskette
This diskette contains the evaluation version of the PhoenixPICO BIOS ROM
image programmed into the ROM on the evaluation board. Please refer to the
documentation on the diskette for further information about these files.
Datalight Software Evaluation Kit Diskette
This diskette contains software for evaluating Datalight’s ROM-DOS and
WinLight software on the evaluation board. Please refer to the documentation on
the diskette for further information about these files.
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 1 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM