ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
MMSVIEW is provided to enable discovery and understanding of the capabilities
of the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller MMS system. It has other uses such as looking
at DOS ROM disks to ensure that the odd/even parts are placed in the sockets
correctly. It is not designed to be a comprehensive or automated diagnostic
program, although its use may help in the debug of certain problems.
MMSVIEW uses MMSA only. To retain compatibility with systems using VGA
video, MMSB was left outside the scope of this tool. It was designed on, tested on,
and meant for use on the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board revision 2.2
or later. The fact that it may run on other customer platforms is purely coincidental
No support of any kind is provided for porting this utility to any platform
other than the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board revision 2.2 or later
except by special agreement between AMD and the customer.
Operating Instructions
Command-Line Parameters
MMSVIEW assumes that MMS page 4 (resides at D0000h when MMS page 0 is
set up to reside at C0000h) is available for use. This default may be overridden
using a command-line parameter as shown below.
MMSVIEW [page]
page is a number from 0–7 to indicate the initial MMS page to view the system
resources through.
If an invalid command-line parameter is detected (not a number, out of range, etc.)
the default MMS page (4) is used. This option is provided to allow resolution of
system address space conflicts that may occur when using this program while some
other driver is loaded (EMM386, etc.).
There are no other command-line parameters available.
evalbd.book : ch3 Page 13 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM