ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Bus Modes
The ÉlanSC310 microcontroller allows designs to utilize two different bus options:
ISA or Local Bus. While in ISA mode, all of the device’s ISA bus signals are
available (refer to the ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Data Sheet for a detailed
description of the ISA bus). Local Bus mode provides a 386 local bus in addition
to a subset of ISA bus signals. Refer to the ÉlanSC310 Microcontroller Data Sheet
for a description of the signals available in each of these modes.
The ÉlanSC310 microcontroller evaluation board allows testing in each of the two
bus modes available from the ÉlanSC310 microcontroller. Bus mode selection
must be made before applying power to the board and cannot be changed while
the board is in operation. Selection of the bus mode is determined by the resistor
packs labeled RP1, RP2, RP5, and RP6 (see Table 2-7).
When adjusting the Bus mode jumpers, be sure to follow pin 1 designations. Pin 1
on the resistor packs must correspond to pin 1 on the evaluation board. JP16–JP18
must be set based on what bus mode is selected (see Table 2-7).
evalbd.book : ch2 Page 16 Thursday, August 8, 1996 2:34 PM