Total Access 238 Command Line Interface Guide
parity <option>
Use the parity
command to specify the type of parity used as error correction. This value must
match the configuration of your VT100 terminal or terminal emulator software. Use the no
form of this command to return to the default value.
Syntax Description
displays the syntax descriptions for the parity command.
Default Values
The parity option is set to none.
Command Modes
The Console Interface Configuration Mode is required for this command.
Functional Notes
Parity is the process used to detect whether characters have been altered during the data
transmission process. Parity bits are appended to data frames to ensure that parity (whether
it be odd or even) is maintained.
Usage Examples
Specify the odd parity for the console terminal session.
TA238(config-con 0)#parity odd
Table 29. Syntax Description for parity <option>
The parity bit is set to 0 if the number of 1 bits in the data sequence is odd, or
set to 1 if the number of 1 bits is even.
No parity bit used
The parity bit is set to 1 if the number of 1 bits in the data sequence is even, or
set to 1 if the number is odd.