4: Color
This fourth step actually applies the aligned color to the range data creating new data – color
range data (or color RTPI data.) After a short wait you’ll see the color added to the window as
in Figure 55. You should zoom in and look around to see that there is good correspondence
between edges in the color and edges in the range data (at the boundaries of the color).
Sometimes, if parts don’t correspond well, you will want to go back and add or delete
correspondence points (usually add) to help them line up.
Figure 55 Color added to range data
If you are satisfied with the mapping of the color, you will want to save this file. (If you are not
satisfied with the color mapping, see the next paragraph for ‘undoing’ the mapping.) If you’ve
already created a copy (as recommended at the beginning of this section) simply select the save
button which will save the scene (the correspondence group and points) and you’ll be prompted
to save the file as well. If you did not create a copy, save it now with a new name – to indicate
that it is color and to avoid changing the original range data file. Use the
Save File As
from the File menu. We recommend appending ‘_color’ to the name. In our sample the file
would be v1_color.rtpi. Don’t forget to save the scene as well.
Sometimes part of an image alignment will be unsatisfactory – often because you didn’t pick
correspondence points in a particular section of the image. You can undo the application of
color by selecting the
button in the Color Align toolbar. This reloads the last saved
version of the range file. (You must do this before saving the file.) You then can select the
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer