Scanning Checklist
We’ve found this to be a short, but invaluable, list of items to check before each scan.
Range Scan
Warm up the DeltaSphere-3000 for at least 10 minutes before scanning
Secure dolly (if being used)
Raise geared column on tripod 8” (20.3cm)
Lock tripod’s geared column screw
Check that quick-release base is tightly screwed to tripod
Set speed
Set resolution
Set max range
Clear area and wear protective eyewear
Do not move the tripod between range and image scans. Do not move objects in the scene.
Image Scan
Secure dolly (if being used)
Lower geared column on tripod 8”
Lock tripod’s geared column screw
Check that quick-release base is tightly screwed to tripod
Aim camera downward, level, or upward
Check camera’s f-stop and focus
Preview and adjust exposure
Set white balance; do not use auto; for manual acquire set with camera buttons
Set image resolution
Set bracketing off or on and amount
Clear area
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer