The DeltaSphere-3000 has an embedded PC running a version of Linux. To change the IP
address you will log in to this PC via your network or direct Ethernet connection.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not run the ‘backup_config’ command
until the settings have been tested and are working properly. If you
do, you may no longer be able to communicate with the
DeltaSphere. In that situation you will need to ship the system back
to 3rdTech for reconfiguring. This is discussed in detail below.
Changing the IP address of the DeltaSphere-3000 requires editing files that exist on the
DeltaSphere’s embedded PC. Of course, the DeltaSphere has no keyboard or monitor – so the
general approach is:
Telnet to the DeltaSphere from another system – usually a PC.
ftp from the DeltaSphere to a system with an ftp server.
Copy the files from the DeltaSphere to the ftp server.
Edit them on that system.
Copy the files back to the DeltaSphere – temporarily overwriting the original files with the
edited files. (At that point, the changes are not permanent.)
Test the functioning of the DeltaSphere with the new files.
If the changes are not correct, exit and reboot to revert to the original files. If the changes are
correct, make them permanent.
For this procedure, you will need the following:
A PC that is networked to the DeltaSphere with the DeltaSphere’s installed IP
A PC running an ftp server (This is provided on Windows XP Professional systems but is
available for other systems as well).
A text editor.
Familiarity with how to use telnet and ftp.
Make sure the DeltaSphere is networked (either with a crossover cable or with some standard
network connection) to the PC you will telnet from and with the PC with the ftp server (they
might be the same PC – but they don’t have to be).
Note: You may need to change the IP address (the first three numbers) and the
subnet mask, of your PC(s) to match those of the DeltaSphere in order to
network them. You’ll be able to change them back after the procedure. If you
don’t know how to do this, you will need assistance from someone familiar with
PC networking.
Telnet to the DeltaSphere from the PC as shown below. (Don’t use this IP address – use the
current IP address of your DeltaSphere.)
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer