9650-002360-01 Rev. A
ZOLL Z Vent Ventilator Operator’s Guide
It is possible that an internal communication failure may due to a software condition
rather than a hardware failure. When this occurs the alarm may be cleared with a
power cycle (turn the device OFF and then back ON). If the condition persists then the
device should be returned to service.
Managing Alarms
Alarms are indicated both audibly (through the buzzer and visually through the LED array (red,
yellow), and in the LCD with alarm bell icons, title, and service code. As indicated above, each
alarm is also indicated with Smart Help in the AMC which provide several steps to resolve or
mitigate the alarm. The AMC also contains “If Not Resolved” instructions which are at the end
of the AMC and surrounded by asterisk. These contain instructions on how to manage the
patient if the Mitigation/Resolution Instructions and user actions do not resolve the alarm. The
example below shows an “If Not Resolved” instruction.
**Contact Service Center**
Based on the types of alarms (Patient Safety, Environmental and Use, and Self Check) and their
effect on the patient and/or device (high, medium, low) alarms are prioritized and presented to
the user in the order that most effects the patient. In this way, the user is prompted to address
the issue or issues that most effect the safety of the patient. This grouping is to provide a
framework to identify the alarm conditions.
The AMC accommodates the display of up to 5 active alarms. The alarms are displayed in
order of priority and rank. Only the highest priority alarm or set of alarms are displayed at one
time. For example, if three medium and one high priority alarms are present in the system only
the high priority alarm will be displayed until it is resolved. The medium priority alarms will
then be displayed if they are still present in the system. In addition to the priority, each alarm is
ranked according to the severity of risk to the patient. Only the five highest ranked alarms will
be displayed on the screen. If six or more alarms are present in the system, the lowest rank and
priority will not be displayed in the AMC. Additionally, only alarms that are set and displayed
in the system can be reviewed in the Alarm History Menu. Lower priority and rank alarms that
resolve before the displayed higher alarms will not be logged in the Alarm History Menu. See
Chapter 4 for instructions on viewing the Alarm History Menu.
Preventive Maintenance
PM Due
Stockpile I
Stockpile II
Firmware Compatibility faults (during device
service only)
Serial Number Compatibility faults (during
device service only)
RTC Battery Low (Checked at start up)
Power Cycle Needed
Alarm Title
Service Code