Using the Z Vent Ventilator
9650-002360-01 Rev. A
Manual Breath
The Manual Breath button enables the user to deliver a manual breath to a patient when pressed
during the expiratory phase and then only after the airway pressure drops to the PEEP target.
The effect of the manual breath button depends on the ventilation mode set on the ventilator.
In AC and SIMV, a button press will deliver a mandatory breath defined by the settings.
In CPAP and BL, it delivers a mandatory breath based on the Apnea Backup settings.
Figure 4-3 shows the Manual Breath Button on the Z Vent ventilator.
If the ventilator supports the Plateau Pressure option, the button is Labeled “Manual
Breath/ P Plat”.
Plateau Pressure
Plateau pressure (P Plat) is the pressure applied to small airways and alveoli. It is measured
during an inspiratory pause on the ventilator. Current clinical practice seeks to maintain the
plateau pressure < 28-30 cm H
O to prevent excessive pressure in the lung.
Plateau Pressure is optional on the Z Vent ventilator. If the ventilator support the
Plateau Pressure option, the Manual Breath button is Labeled “Manual Breath/ P Plat”
(see Figure 4-3).When Plateau Pressure is available on the Z Vent ventilator, the
Manual Breath button performs two functions:
Allow the user to deliver a manual breath
Enables the user to perform a plateau pressure maneuver.
Plateau Pressure Maneuver
To perform a P Plat maneuver, press and hold the Manual Breath button during the inspiratory
period. The maneuver is used during volume targeted breath. During pressure targeted
breathing the PIP typically represents to alveolar pressure as flow decelerates to 0 l/min at the
end of inspiration.
Holding the button past the end of inspiration during a mandatory breath causes the ventilator
to delay opening the exhalation valve for as long as the button is held (up to 3 seconds).
During this period the ventilator measures the pressure while there is no gas flow. At the end of
the period the exhalation valve opens and the device continues normal operation while the P
plat is displayed for ~20s
The activation of a new alarm or pressing the Mute/Cancel button also clears the Plateau
Pressure measurement.