9650-002360-01 Rev. A
ZOLL Z Vent Ventilator Operator’s Guide
Appendix D
Troubleshooting Patient
This appendix provides information on troubleshooting patient circuits.
Troubleshooting Procedure
If there are circuit-related alarms during set up or initial use, such as Disconnect, PEEP Leak,
Low Airway Pressure, or Auto-PEEP, check all circuit connections and the exhalation valve.
If the exhalation valve is not performing, manually ventilate the patient and perform the
following procedure:
1. Using a hemostat or a tongue blade, carefully open the exhalation valve as we show in
Figure D-1. Remove the top cover first, and then remove the silicon diaphragm. Place the
silicon diaphragm in a clean area.
Figure D-1 Removing Silicon Diaphragm -- Pediatric/Adult Patient Circuit