9650-002360-01 Rev. A
Low Breath Rate/Apnea
Alarm triggers when the actual breathing rate (set rate plus spontaneous patient
rate) is less than the low alarm limit. This can be caused by the patient not
breathing or breathing at a rate less than the limit. If the spontaneous/assisted
breath trigger is not sensitive enough the patient may not be able to trigger
breaths. The user should also determine if the low rate is set too high for the
Mitigation/Info: Check Patient for Spontaneous Breathing, Adjust Breath
Trigger, Check Low Alarm Limit Setting, Increase Ventilation Support, **
Manually Ventilate Patient**
Apnea - Apnea Backup Ventilation Started
Alarm triggers when the spontaneous breathing rate is less than the low alarm
limit. This alarm only occurs in noninvasive ventilation, CPAP and BL modes.
The alarm can be caused by the patient not breathing or breathing at a rate less
than the limit. The apnea backup ventilation starts automatically when the alarm
is triggered. The user should select an active mode of ventilation, AC or SIMV, to
support the patient.
Mitigation/Info: Apnea Backup Ventilation Started, Set Mode to AC or
SIMV, Set Rate and Tidal Volume/Pressure Target, ** Manually Ventilate
Alarm triggers when the airway pressure drops below the PEEP setting by 2 cm
O during the expiratory phase of the breath. This can be caused by a leak in
the breathing circuit, exhalation valve or patient airway. The user should check
the breathing circuit and exhalation valve to ensure that all connections are tight.
If the circuit appears damaged or is suspect it should be replaced. The user
should also check if there is a cuff leak from the patient’s airway or mask. If these
mitigations do not resolve the alarm the user can choose to use leak
compensation to provide additional flow during the expiratory phase to
compensate for the leak. If you still cannot compensate for the leak, consult the
attending physician. If this fails replace the ventilator and contact the service
center for more information.
Mitigation/Info: Check Patient Connection, Check for Loose Circuit
Connection, Check Exhalation Valve, Check Tube Placement/Cuff,
Disable Alarm, ** Replace Circuit**
Insufficient Flow - Pressure Target Not Met
Alarm triggers when the pressure target is not reached during the inspiratory
period during pressure targeted ventilation. Typically this can occur when the
Rise Time is set too low for the patient and their respiratory mechanics.
Decrease the Rise Time and check the circuit and exhalation valve for leaks or
disconnects. If the flow cannot be adjusted appropriately then the patient should
be ventilated using volume targeted ventilation.
Mitigation/Info: Pressure Target Not Met, Decrease Rise Time, Press/
Hold BPM Button, Consult Physician, ** Ventilate With Volume Target**
Service Code
Alarm Name/Mitigation/Resolution