Thick Paste Extruder workflow
Prepare the Thick Paste
Unlock the syringe block-
Pull the piston out from
the syringe.
Put the Thick Paste tool-
head on the X-cariage
Screw tight the front
Connect the "LEFT" con-
nector to the Left socket
on the machine frame.
Manually move the pis-
ton to the starting posi-
Fill the syringe with the
prepared material.
Push the piston inside
the syringe and lock the
syringe blockade.
15.3 Material application
15.2 Materials
Thick Paste Extruder has a wide potential for experimental applications in art projects,
material research, and custom cake decorations. Its simple construction also makes it
safe for educational purposes and working with children. The toolhead can print using
medium and dense masses like ceramics, Nutella, chocolate and sugar toppings, and
cookie dough. Feel free to experiment with other materials like silicone, porcelain, avo-
cado paste, or cheese, to achieve results through trial and error.