OPMI® VISU 210 on S8, S81, S88 Suspension Systems
Issue 1.0
Printed on 19. 04. 2004
Relocating the system
As the stand is very easy to maneuver, there is a tendency to underesti-
mate its considerable weight. Therefore, move the stand slowly and care-
Please observe the following points when relocating the stand:
Fold the suspension arm to its moving position (see illustration on the
opposite page).
Switch off the illumination system using the knobs, and the system at
its power switch.
Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
Wind up the cable of the foot control panel on one of the cable sup-
ports, and hang the foot control panel on the handle.
Wind up the power cord on the other cable support.
Use the maneuvering handle for moving the stand.
Be careful of heights when passing through doorways.
Avoid collisions of any kind.
Do not go over steps and edges: The stand might topple!
Be extremely careful when moving over slopes.
Do not park the stand on slopes.
Press the brake tab to lock the stand in position. Make sure that the stand
is no longer able to roll away by itself.