Motor details screen
Figure 58: Motor details screen
This screen displays information pertinent to the Motor Monitoring feature. The feature consists
of motor winding temperature, motor bearing temperature, motor bearing vibration and motor
cooling coil leak detection. Setpoints on this screen allow any combination of these items to be
enabled or disabled based on the equipment applied. The motor could be equipped with different
types of sensors for this monitoring. Either RTDs or Transmitters could be applied for winding and
bearing temperature monitoring. Motor cooling coil leak detection could be done with either an
optical or float sensor. Setpoints on this screen allow for the enabling of the actual sensor type
Vibration baseline data can be entered manually or by running an auto baseline routine that plots a
baseline over a 1 hour period while the chiller is running.
This screen also serves as a gateway to a subscreen that allows programming of the winding
High Temperature Warning/Safety Shutdown thresholds and bearing High Temperature and High
Vibration Warning/Safety Shutdowns. Also, individual winding temperature sensors can be disabled
on this screen.
Table 101: Display only fields
Field/LED name
Motor Run (LED)
This LED illuminates when the OptiView Control Center is commanding the motor to
%Full Load Amps
Displays the motor current as a percentage of chiller Full Load Amps.
VSD Output Frequency
Only displayed when Motor Drive Type Setpoint is set to any VSD. Displays the
frequency at which the VSD is operating the motor. This value is returned from the
VSD Logic Board.
PRV Position
Displays the present pre-rotation vanes position as a value between 0% (closed) and
100% (full open).
Model YK Style H Centrifugal Liquid Chillers with OptiView Control Center