The last 75 logon and logoff actions are recorded in the Access Log on the User Screen. To view
this, you must be logged on as a standard user or above. The Date, Time, Access ID, Access Level,
and Login Status are recorded for each successful and failed logon attempt. The last 75 setpoint
changes are recorded in the Security Log. You must be logged in as JCI Service Level or above. See
for more information. Access IDs on these screens can be compared with User
IDs in the YORK Chiller Access Manager Web Platform (
identify a user.
Figure 1: Comparison of access IDs
There is no personal identifiable information stored on the chiller. As a result, no special security
actions are required when the chiller has reached its end of life.
Failure to comply with these security guidelines could result in serious damage to the equipment and
the property in which it is situated, as well as severe personal injury or death to people at the site.
For more details, see section beginning with
YORK Chiller Access Manager for software
Changeability of this document
In complying with Johnson Controls’ policy for continuous product improvement, the information
contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Johnson Controls makes no
commitment to update or provide current information automatically to the manual or product
owner. Updated manuals, if applicable, can be obtained by contacting the nearest Johnson
Controls Service office or accessing the Johnson Controls Knowledge Exchange website at
It is the responsibility of rigging, lifting, and operating/ service personnel to verify the applicability
of these documents to the equipment. If there is any question regarding the applicability of these
documents, rigging, lifting, and operating/service personnel should verify whether the equipment
has been modified and if current literature is available from the owner of the equipment prior to
performing any work on the chiller.
Model YK Style H Centrifugal Liquid Chillers with OptiView Control Center