Table 47: Display only fields
Field/LED name
Surge Window Count
Displays the number of surge events that have occurred in the last 1 to 5 minutes as
programmed with the Count Window Setpoint. If the chiller has been running for less
than the Count Window minutes, it is the number of surge events that have occurred
within the last number of minutes displayed as the Surge Window Time. The count is
cleared when the chiller shuts down.
Surge Avoidance Surge Count
This is the total number of surges accumulated by the Surge Protection feature.
If equipped with a VSD or MV VSD, it is only the surges detected while the drive is
running at maximum frequency.
Extended Run Time Remaining
Displays the time remaining in the 10-minute Extended Run period. During this period,
the Pre-rotation Vanes are driven closed and
is displayed. See operation under
Surge Detection State
Displays the current state that the Surge Detection routine is in:
Startup Wait
Evaluating Conditions
Surge Detected
Model YK Style H Centrifugal Liquid Chillers with OptiView Control Center