IM 253421-01E
RS-232-C Interface Specifications
Electrical characteristics:
conforms to EIA RS-232-C
start-stop system
Baud rate:
75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
Start bit:
1 bit
Data length (word length):
7 or 8 bits
Even, odd or no parity
Stop bit:
1 or 2 bits
Hardware handshaking:
User can select whether CA, CB, CC and CD signals will always be
True, or be used for control.
Software handshaking:
User can select whether to control only transmission or both
transmission and reception using X-on and X-off signals.
X-on (ASCII 11H)
X-off (ASCII 13H)
Receive buffer size:
64 bytes
The connectors used in this function have protective covers. When the covers are
removed or when using connectors, the voltage ratings across the measuring input
and the ground become as follows:
Voltage across A,
(V and A side) input terminals and ground 400 Vrms max.
Voltage across V terminal and ground 600 Vrms max.
Put the protective cover on the connector when this function is not used.
11.1 RS-232-C Interface Functions and Specifications