IM 253421-01E
Measurement Range
The measurement range lies from 10 to 50 kHz. Depending on the internal timing,
however, measurements can be done in the range from 4 to 10 Hz. At 100 Hz, 1 kHz,
10 kHz, 100 kHz, the measurement range is auto range.
Maximum Reading of the Display and Units
• Maximum reading: 99999 (when the number of displayed digits is 5)
• Units: Hz
• Prefix: k
Selecting the Display Function
The following selections are available.
• V Hz: voltage frequency will be displayed
• A Hz: current frequency will be displayed
In case the level of the input signal is low (below approx. 7%), or when the frequency is
smaller than the measurement range, the display will show “ErrLo.” When the frequency is
larger than the measurement range, the display will show “ErrHi.”
This instrument measures the frequency after synchronizing to the cycle of the input signal.
We recommend to turn ON the filter when measuring an inverted waveform or a waveform
with high noise. However, depending on the signal’s frequency and level, “ErrLo” might
appear on the display. Since the filter’s cutoff frequency is 300 Hz, the signal attenuates and
no signal will be detected.
Even when the filter is set OFF but the frequency exceeds the measurement range, “ErrLo”
might appear since no signal will be detected anymore due to the internal circuit’s attenuation.
5.4 Displaying the Frequency