IM 253421-01E
14.2 Program Format
Program message unit format
The format of a program message unit is shown below.
<Program header>
<Program data>
<Program header>
A program header is used to indicate the command
type. For details, see page 14-5.
<Program data>
If certain conditions are required for the execution of a
command, program data must be added. Program data
must be separated from the header by a space (ASCII
code “20H”). If multiple items of program data are
included, they must be separated by a “,” (comma).
Response Messages
The data returned by this instrument to the controller is
called a response message. The format of a response
message is shown below.
<Response message unit>
<Response message units>
A response message consists of one or more
response message units: each response message unit
corresponds to one response.
Response message units are delimited by a “;”.
For the response message format, see the next item.
RMT is the terminator used for every response
message. Only one type of response message is
available; NL^END.
Response message unit format
The format of a program message unit is shown below.
<Rsps. header>
<Response data>
<Response header>
A response header sometimes precedes the response
data. Response data must be separated from the
header by a space. For details, see page 14-7.
<Response data>
Response data is used to define a response. If multiple
items of response data are used, they must be
separated by a “,” (comma).
If a program message contains more than one query,
responses are made in the same order as the queries.
Normally, each query returns only one response
message unit, but there are some queries which return
more than one response message unit. The first
response message unit always responds to the first
query, but it is not always true that the ‘n‘th unit always
responds to the ‘n‘th query. Therefore, if you want to
make sure that a response is made to each query, the
program message must be divided up into individual
Points to Note concerning Message Transmission
• It is always possible to send a program message if
the previous message which was sent did not
contain any queries.
• If the previous message contained a query, it is not
possible to send another program message until a
response message has been received. An error will
occur if a program message is sent before a
response message has been received in its entirety.
A response message which has not been received
will be discarded.
• If an attempt is made by the controller to receive a
response message, even if there it no response
message, an error will occur. An error will also occur
if the controller makes an attempt to receive a
response message before transmission of a
program message has been completed.
• If a program message of more than one unit is sent
and some of the units are incomplete, this
instrument receives program message units which
the instrument thinks complete and attempts to
execute them. However, these attempts may not
always be successful and a response may not
always be returned, even if the program message
contains queries.