Hardware Installation &
Software Upgrade
10 MLX200 Control Module Software Version Upgrade Procedure
10.3 Export non-MLX Tasks from the RSLogix Ladder
4. Select [Export All User Data] from the pull down list, and press [Start
Export]. The following files will be exported.
* There is an option to transfer all files at one time.
Export non-MLX Tasks from the RSLogix Ladder
Export all PLC ladder tasks to the new PLC ladder if the tasks are to be
operational after a software upgrade.
1. In the RSLogix Controller Organizer, right-click on the task, and select
[Export program].
2. Confirm the file name and storage location, and press [Export].
Download New Version of MLX200 Control Module
1. Download new version of MLX200_x_x_x_CompactLogix.ACD or
MLX200_x_x_x_ControlLogix.ACD ladder to the PLC.
Setup I/O Configuration in RSLogix Ladder
1. Insert devices into the I/O Configuration of the ladder and copy board
software revision numbers from the old ladder.
Import Tasks into the New RSLogix Ladder
1. In the RSLogix Controller Organizer, right click on [Unscheduled
Programs/ Phases], and select [Import Program].
2. Browse to the desired file and press [OK] by referencing
“Export non-MLX Tasks from the RSLogix Ladder”
3. Resolve alarms after importing tasks. For instance, if a modified AOI
has different data types or new entries, the old AOI needs to be
deleted and replaced with the new AOI. Re-establish tags by right-
clicking on the tag, and selecting [New].
Actual File Name
What the File Is
Data200 Teach Points.txt
Teach Points of each Job
MLxData200 Tools.txt
MLxData200 User Frames.txt
User Frames
MLxData200 Interference Zones.txt
Interference Zones
If there are files already in the directory, they will be
The “x_x_x” represents the software version number in the
file name. An example of the actual file name may be
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