11-5 Communication Command Description
Reads the Y-axis grid position (machine reference when return-to-origin is completed).
Transmission example
: @?YGRDP c/r 1/f
Response example
: 52% c/r 1/f
OK c/r l/f
The response value will be meaningless if return-to-origin is not completed. Always transmit the command after
return-to-origin has been completed.
Reads the robot status.
Transmission example
: @?MODE c/r l/f
Response example 1
: 0 c/r l/f .......................................... Robot is stopped.
OK c/r l/f
Response example 2
: 1 c/r l/f .......................................... Program is being executed
from TPB or PC.
OK c/r l/f
Response example 3
: 2 c/r l/f .......................................... Program is being executed by
I/O command.
(20)@?MAT <pallet number>
Reads the matrix data on a specified pallet.
Pallet number
: This is a number used to identify each matrix (pallet) and can be
from 0 to 31.
Transmission example
: @?MAT 1 c/r l/f ........................... Reads the matrix data on pallet
number 1.
Response example
: 20,30 c/r l/f
OK c/r l/f
Reads the pallet number for the currently specified matrix. In multi-task operation, this command
reads the program information on the task currently selected.
Transmission example
: @?MSEL c/r l/f
Response example
: 0 c/r l/f
OK c/r l/f
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