3-2 Input Signal Description
Return-to-origin command (ORG-S)
This command returns the robot to its origin position when the search method is selected as the
origin detection method. When the mark method is selected, this command checks the return-to-
origin status. The return-to-origin axis can be specified with DI13 and DI14 by enabling PRM10.
(Refer to "PRM10: Control axis selection with I/O command".)
When both the mark method and search method are used for the same robot, then return-to-origin on the axis using
the mark method must first be completed before performing return-to-origin on the axis using the search method.
Use the TPB to perform return-to-origin on the axis using the mark method.
Once return-to-origin is performed after the robot cable and absolute battery are connected, there is no need to
repeat it even when the controller is turned off. (As an exception, return-to-origin becomes incomplete if the
absolute backup function is disabled or a parameter relating to the origin is changed. Return-to-origin must be
reperformed in that case.)
When performing return-to-origin by the stroke-end detection method, do not interrupt return-to-origin
operation while the origin position is being detected (robot is making contact with its mechanical limit).
Otherwise, the operation will stop due to a controller overload alarm and the power will need to be turned off
and back on again.
If return-to-origin must be repeated by the stroke-end detection method, wait at least 5 seconds before repeating
Servo recovery command (SERVO)
After emergency stop, releasing the emergency stop button and turning this input on (closing
the contact) turns the servo power on, so the robot is ready for restart.
(As with other dedicated command inputs, the servo recovery command should be a pulse
input, so it must be turned off (contact open) when the BUSY signal turns on.)
The axis to turn the servo power on can be specified with DI13 and DI14 by enabling PRM10.
(Refer to "PRM10: Control axis selection with I/O command".)
Reset command (RESET)
This command returns the program step to the first step of the lead program and turns off DO0 to
DO12 and the memory I/O. It also clears the point variable "P" to 0. (Counter variables "C" and
"D" are not cleared.)
* When PRM2 ("Operation at return-to-origin complete" parameter) is set to 1 or 3, DO5 does
not turn off even if the reset command is executed. Likewise, when PRM21 ("Servo status
output" parameter) is set to 1, DO7 does not turn off even if the reset command is executed.
The lead program is the program that has been selected as the execution program by the TPB or POPCOM. (See
"9-4 Switching the Execution Program".)
The lead program can also be selected by executing a communication command "@SWI". It may also be selected
when the program data is loaded into the DRCX controller from the memory card.
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