5-2 Parameter Description
PRM106:Speed integration gain
This sets the speed control gain. Typically, PRM105 and PRM106 should be input at a
ratio of 3 : 2.
Generally, the larger the gain, the higher the acceleration will be. However, if the gain is
set too high, abnormal oscillation or noise might be generated, causing serious problems
in the robot and controller. Use caution when selecting this parameter to avoid such prob-
Default value: Depends on robot type.
PRM107:Speed delay compensation gain
Default value: Depends on robot type.
PRM108:Position proportional gain
This sets the position control gain.
If this parameter is changed carelessly, serious problems may occur in the robot and con-
Default value: Depends on robot type.
PRM109:Interpolation movement speed gain coefficient
Default value: Depends on robot type.
PRM110:Position data unit
This parameter sets the units in which point data is to be displayed. It also specifies whether
to enable the limitless movement function.
Input range:
0 to 3
0: mm (millimeters); limitless movement function disabled (off)
(deg.); limitless movement function disabled (off)
2: mm (millimeters), limitless movement function enabled (on)
(deg.); limitless movement function enabled (on)
Default value: Depends on robot type.
For more details, see "8-3-2 Limitless movement function".
PRM111: Payload-dependent acceleration coefficient
The value calculated from PRM98, PRM112 and PRM100, PRM90, is set automatically
for this parameter.
Default value: Depends on robot type.
PRM112:Axis robot type number
This parameter shows the robot type number currently used as the Y-axis. (See "15-1-2
Robot number list".)
This is a read-only parameter. When changing the robot number or if the memory contents
are corrupted, perform parameter initialization. (See "10-1 Initialization".)
* If the robot setting is made for a 2-axis robot, the robot type number is shown by PRM18.
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