5-2 Parameter Description
PRM26: I/O assignment selection (Available with Ver. 18.57 or later)
This parameter selects the function to be assigned to each I/O signal.
This parameter setting allows changing the function assigned to each I/O signal. This
makes it possible to output the destination point number and perform jog movement.
After changing the I/O assignment, the DRCX controller must be restarted to enable the
For more details, see "3-7 I/O assignment change function".
Input range:
0 or another number (See the I/O assignment list)
PRM26 = x x x x
↑ ↑ ↑
e w q
I/O assignment type selection
: Type 0 (Conventional type/standard)
20, 21 : Type 2 (Point number output type)
30, 31 : Type 3 (Point teaching type)
* Type 1 cannot be used with the DRCX controller.
Point output selection
Make setting only for type 2 (point number output type) and type 3
(point teaching type).
0: Outputs when movement ends normally.
1: Outputs when movement command is received.
2: Point zone output
PO output occurs when the robot enters the point data (reg-
istered at controller)
position judgment parameter range.
3: Movement point zone output (supported in Ver. 18.64 and
later versions):
PO output occurs when the robot enters the
position judg-
ment parameter range for the point data registered at the
controller and which serves as the movement point data for
the point movement command (ABS-PT, INC-PT).
Point zone judgment method selection (supported in Ver. 18.64 and
later versions):
The position judgment parameter is selected when the point output
selection is "2" (point zone output) or "3" (movement point zone out-
0: OUT valid position
1: Positioning-completed pulse
Default value: 0
Any value other than the above is handled as a "0" (type 0).
Example: If set to 2331, this is handled as a "0" (type 0).
If set to 10, this is handled as a "0" (type 0).
Moreover, if Type 2 (point signal output type) or Type 3 (point teaching type) is selected in DRCX versions prior
to Ver. 18.64, with the point output selection specified as "3", this is processed as a "0" (Type 0) setting.
Example: At DRCX version prior to Ver. 13.64:
If set to 331, this is handled as a "0" (type 0).
In controller versions prior to Ver. 18.64, the "OUT valid position" is the only point zone judgment method.
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