6-1 Basic Contents
Basic Contents
6-1-1 Robot language and point data
The DRCX controller uses the YAMAHA robot language that is very similar to BASIC. It allows you
to easily create programs for robot operation.
In programs created with the YAMAHA robot language, the robot position data (absolute position,
amount of movement) are not expressed in terms of direct numeric values. Instead, point numbers are
used to express the position data indirectly. Point numbers and their corresponding position informa-
tion are stored as point data separately from programs. This means that when you want to change
only the position information while using the same program, all that you have to do is edit the point
Point Data
MOVA 0, 100
P0 = 50.00,20.00
MOVI 1, 50
P1 = 100.00,200.00
In the above example, the robot first travels 50mm on the X-axis, then 20mm on the Y-axis, then
again 100mm on the X-axis, and 200mm on the Y-axis.
To change the above operation so that the robot first moves to a position 50.5mm on the X-axis,
then 21mm on the Y-axis from the origin point and then moves to another point 100mm on the X-
axis, 200mm on the Y-axis away from that position, just change the P0 point data to P0=50.50,21.00.
6-1-2 Using the TPB to enter the robot language
Robot language commands frequently used to create programs are printed on the lower part of each
number key on the TPB. When creating or editing a program, you can enter robot language com-
mands simply by pressing these keys. To select other robot language commands not printed on these
keys, use the function key matching that command.
During program editing, you can enter numbers (numerical values) with the number keys except
when the edit cursor for robot language command input appears on the TPB screen.
6-1-3 Program specifications
The DRCX controller has the following memory capacity:
Total number of programs
: 100 programs (NO0 to NO99)
Max. number of steps per program
: 255 steps
Max. number of steps in all programs together
: 3000 steps
Max. number of points
: 1000 points (P0 to P999)
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