13-1 If A Trouble Occurs
13-1 If A Trouble Occurs
If trouble or breakdown occurs, contact YAMAHA or your YAMAHA dealer, providing us with the
following information in as much detail as possible.
What you were using
Under what conditions
What happened
How often
Description (example)
Controller model name : DRCX + Regenerative unit
Robot model name
: Multi (F14-20-350-F10-20-450)
Dual-axis (SXYx-A-5545)
Controller version
: Ver. 18.11
: AC 100V
I/O 24V power supply : Internal power supply and external power supply were used.
When purchased
How long used, how often used
Problem happened at power on? One hour after power was turned on.
During automatic operation
While writing a program
When the robot was at a specific position
Servo does not lock.
Alarm (No. and message) is issued.
Motor makes an unusual sound.
A program was lost.
Always occurs.
Occurs once an hour.
Cannot be made to occur again.
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