T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
C h a p t e r 1 1 : T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
LAT Problems
If you are printing from a LAT host, ensure that the queue
was set up and is running.
If the printer will not print, the XNICs name has been
changed. Follow these steps to correct the problem:
Connect to the card using the instructions in the section
Logging into the XNIC-ENET
(page 6-5)
Issue the command:
s h o w s e r v e r l a t
Verify the name is the same as the node name you set up in
the section Configuring an OpenVMS LAT Host for LATSYM
(page 6-3).
Issue this command only if your XNIC is Version 4.x:
s h o w p o r t 1
Verify that the port name is PORT_1.
Note that the port name must end in an _1. If the port name
is incorrect, then rename the port. The command is:
c h a n g e p o r t 1 n a m e
n e w _ n a m e
If either of these items is different than those defined in the
section Configuring an OpenVMS LAT Host for LATSYM
(page 6-3), then repeat the step using this new XNIC name.
ETR-CH11 Page 19 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:14 AM