L2800, L3400, WSM
Separating Clutch Housing (HST) from MID Case
1. Place the disassembling stand under the clutch housing case.
2. Remove the clutch housing and MID case mounting screws.
3. Separate the clutch housing and MID case.
(When reassembling)
• Apply liquid gasket (Three bond 1208D or equivalent) to joint face
of clutch housing and MID case
(3) Separating MID Case from Transmission Case
Brake and Cruise Linkage
1. Remove the damper (1).
2. Disconnect the brake rods (3), (4) and cruise release wire (2).
3. Remove the cruise control rod (5).
4. Remove the range shift rod (6).
(When reassembling)
• Be sure to adjust the cruise release wire (2). (See page H3-
Separating MID Case from Transmission Case
1. Place the disassembling stand under the MID case.
2. Remove the MID case and transmission case mounting nuts.
3. Separate the MID case and transmission case.
(When reassembling)
• Apply liquid gasket (Three bond 1208D or equivalent) to joint face
of MID case and transmission case.
Tightening torque
Clutch housing and MID
case mounting screws and
77.5 to 90.2 N·m
7.9 to 9.2 kgf·m
57.2 to 66.5 ft-lbs
(1) Damper
(2) Cruise Release Wire
(3) Brake Rod R.H
(4) Brake Rod L.H
(5) Cruise Control Rod
(6) Range Shift Rod
Tightening torque
MID case and
transmission case
mounting nut
102.9 to 117.6 N·m
10.5 to 12.0 kgf·m
75.9 to 86.8 ft-lbs
KiSC issued 08, 2007 A
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