L2800, L3400, WSM
Radiator Cap Air Leakage
• When removing the radiator cap, wait at least ten minutes
after the engine has stopped and cooled down. Otherwise,
hot water may gush out, scalding nearby people.
1. Set a radiator tester (Code No. 07909-31551) and an adapter
(BANZAI Code No. RCT-2A-30S) on the radiator cap.
2. Apply the specified pressure 88 kPa (0.9 , 13 psi), and measure
the time for the pressure to fall to 59 kPa (0.6 kgf/cm
, 9 psi).
3. If the measurement is less than the factory specification, replace
the radiator cap.
Radiator Water Leakage
1. Pour a specified amount of water into the radiator.
2. Set a radiator tester (Code No. 07909-31551) with an adaptor
(BANZAI Code No. RCT-2A-30S) and raise the water pressure
to the specified pressure.
3. Check the radiator for water leak.
4. For water leak from the pinhole, replace the radiator or repair with
the radiator cement. When water leak is excessive, replace the
Pressure falling time
Factory spec.
More than 10 seconds
for pressure fall from
88 to 59 kPa
(from 0.9 to 0.6 kgf/cm
from 13 to 9 psi)
Radiator water leakage
test pressure
Factory spec.
No leak at 137 kPa
1.4 kgf/cm
20 psi
KiSC issued 08, 2007 A
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