W H E A T N E T - I P
page 4 – 50
/ Apr 2009
studio in WZZZ? Another good reason for restrictions is that you might never want
a connection such as the feed from your processor to your air chain to be
inadvertently changed. In many cases you can greatly restrict the source choices
available for a destination, sometimes even to as few as one. In the WheatNet-IP
system, we use the “visibilities” property to control these choices, and it’s very
easy to do. Essentially, we allow you to edit the list of names that are “visible” to
the user on a destination by destination basis, so that every audio output in the
system can have a unique setting. Note that we are not actually restricting the
connection possibilities; you can at any time choose any source you want using the
Navigator GUI or by firing a salvo, etc. We are only restricting which choices are
visible to a user sitting in front of the BLADE and scrolling the front panel knob.
Clicking on the Visibilities tab opens a new window showing two columns.
The left hand column, labeled “Controllers:” shows a list of every local destination
defined for the BLADE. The right hand column shows a hierarchal view (typical
Windows Explorer tree style) of every source defined in the system.
To set visibility for a destination, first make sure the desired destination is
actually a member of the BLADE you are currently viewing. You can check on the
label for the visibility tab; it will read “BLDxxx - Visibility” where “xxx” is the
BLADE ID number. If this is not the correct BLADE, then just click on the correct
icon in the system pane window to get to the correct visibility tab.
Examine the list of destinations in the left hand window and left click on the
desired destination to highlight it. The right hand window shows a list of all of the
BLADEs in the system, with a check box beside the name of the BLADE.
If you know that none of the sources in a particular BLADE should be visible
to the destination, click on the check box to uncheck it. In this manner, go through
the list of BLADEs and uncheck any that should not be visible. Continue on and
click on the expand box for any BLADE that you want visibility to some, but not
all, of its signals. The list expands in tree fashion to show the individual signals
within the BLADE, each with their own check boxes. Uncheck the signals that
should not be visible, and repeat this process for any other BLADEs to set them.
When you have completed working on the list for the selected destination, you
can click on another destination in the left hand window and set visibilities for it.
After setting visibilities for all of the destination signals, click on the “Apply”
button at the bottom of the window and your choices will be instantly forwarded
to each BLADE in the system.
As you no doubt have noticed by now, this process can be somewhat time
consuming. Fortunately, the WheatNet-IP GUI has some built in shortcuts that can
be very useful. The “Select All” and Clear All” buttons in the upper left corner of
the visibility window allow you to check or uncheck groups of signals at once,
assuming that the common selections are suitable for each member of the group.
You can accept these common selections, or then drill down through the menu and
make individual tweaks without having to repeat the selections that were in