W H E A T N E T - I P
page 4 – 43
/ Apr 2009
match the template, and the number available will show as zero. This is one of the special
features of the WheatNet-IP system; it can take care of all of this signal allocating and
defining automatically, saving you a lot of work.
If, however, you chose the Custom template, no signals will have been allocated, and
all will show as available in the resources list. As you define a new signal, the resources
available will decrease. Thus you can tell by looking at the resources list what additional
signals you could define for this particular BLADE.
Defining a new signal is easy. Click the “Add” button and the “Source Signal Wizard
- Add Signal” screen pops up. On the Type Info tab enter the Name, and optionally the
Location. Select the Signal Type
and accept the Packet Type as au-
tomatically selected. Next, switch
to the Wire Info tab. Highlight the
desired wire number (you must
pick one that is not already as-
signed), then click “Finish.” The
new signal name will now appear
throughout the system.
The same is true for the logic
ports. The default configuration
makes no automatic assignment of
logic ports, so all 12 are initially
available and show as LIOs. As
you allocate logic ports for func-
tions, the resources decrease cor-
respondingly. The “available re-
sources” list, then, allows you to see at a glance how many ports you’ve used.
OK, so how do you modify the logic resources? Click on a signal name or location in
the Source Signals: area, then click on the “Edit” button. This opens a “Source Signal
Wizard - Edit Signal” window where you can redefine the audio signal type or, in this case,
add or change logic signals associ-
ated with the audio. Use of this
form has already been covered in
the Source Details Menu section
of this chapter under the topic
“Modify Signal.” The “LIO Info”
tab of this form is where you de-
fine the logic associated with the
audio signal.
The “Delete” button completes
the signal modification tools. High-
light a signal and choose “Delete”
and an “Are you sure?” window
opens. If you click on yes, then the
selected signal is removed from
the system, adding those resources
back to the Free Resources: list.
/ Jan 2010