Center roller bearing for valve body, removing
- First lift circlip with slotted screwdriver then pull out
with pliers
- Before removing toothed rod, clean housing
opening with compressed air
- Remove dirt and any chips that may be present
- Pull toothed rod out of the housing to the right with
toothed rod guide
A - Screwdriver
B - Pliers (standard commercial)
- Lubricate toothed rod
When installing the puller A, make sure that the claws
(arrows on fig. N48-0058,
page 45) engage
correctly under the sealing ring. The puller must not
be spread too wide because otherwise the seat for
the sealing ring and the housing will be damaged or
the sealing ring can jam in the housing.
- Drive center roller bearing out toward the top
A - Puller, e,g, Kukko 21/4
B - Driver
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