Page 62
VP-X Installation and Operating Manual
Rev. D (August 5, 2020)
As you run the flaps, the position number changes. The number
should change throughout the entire range of flap motion. If it does
not, then the position sensor is binding at the ends and you should
adjust the mechanical linkage so there is some slop at each end of
travel. If the number does not move at all, double check the position
sensor wiring.
If you want to use the RV-10/RV-14 flap reflex settings or “continuous
flaps” setting, enable these settings after a few flights in the aircraft.
• Press Update.
After the first few flights in the aircraft, go back and update the rest of
the settings to your desired configuration.
“9.1 Flap Configuration” on page 65
Because air loads on the flaps cannot be simulated on the ground,
you may have to modify the limit settings once you begin flight
testing. See the troubleshooting section in this manual if your flaps
are not operating properly.
If the flap motor runs more than 45 seconds, the motor is stopped
and a fault is generated.
6.14 Export Settings
Save your settings to your PC. Go to the
menu, then
Save Configuration
6.15 Import Settings
You can restore your saved settings using the file previously saved. Go to the
menu, then
Open Configuration...
Do not shut off the system while the import is in progress.