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We would like to congratulate you on your excellent choice. Your new appliance, pro-

duced in compliance with high quality standards, will guarantee you high performance 

and safety over time.

WARNING! The generator engine works exclusively with a mix of oil and petrol 

with 2% oil. If this mixture is not used the engine will cause irreparable damage 

with immediate loss of the warranty.
IMPORTANT! before using the machine, in order to ensure that handling, initial 

start-up, starting, use, stopping, and maintenance are carried out properly, read the 

instructions below that refer to the drawings and technical data contained on the 

enclosed sheet, and apply them carefully. before using the appliance, familiarise 

yourself with the controls and correct use of the machine, making sure that you 

know how to stop it in the event of an emergency. Incorrect use of the machine 

could result in serious injury or death and damage to property. Always consider 

your safety and the safety of others and act accordingly.
These instructions and the enclosed documentation are an integral part of the 

machine and must accompany it in the case of repair or resale. Keep these in-

structions and the enclosed sheet in a safe place, so that you can consult them in 

case of need enclosed sheet, containing the machine’s serial number label and 

technical data, is also a guarantee document.

These instructions refer to a machine that is produced in several models in various 

configurations:  apply the information related to your model.

The documentation does not include the list of spare parts since the authorised 

assistance centres already have one.

WARNING! The current generator or generating set is exclusively made to produce 

electricity for use by compatible electrical appliances, lighting, tools and electric motors.
Any use other than that indicated in these instructions may damage the machine 

and constitute a serious risk to both people and property.


1.  Handgrip for transport (where fitted)

2.  Fuel tank cap

3.  Fuel tank

4.  Petrol cock

5.  Start handle

6.  Motor on/off switch

7.   Starter

8.  Air filter (where fitted)

9.  European sockets

10.  Technical data label

11.  230V socket overload trip switch

12.  Alternator

13.  Exhaust muffler

14.  Motor

15.  Spark plug

16.  Earth terminal

17.  12V DC socket overload trip switch (where fitted)

18.  12V socket (where fitted)

19.  Hot parts warning label

20.  Warnings label


1.  Warning! Carefully read the instructions.

2.  Warning! Always turn off the motor and wait for it to stop before refuelling or 


3.  Warning! The motor gives off a poisonous, odourless and colourless gas: inhalation 

may cause nausea, fainting and death. Maintain a safe distance.

4.  Prohibited! Do not operate the machine indoors. The motor gives off a poisonous, 

odourless and colourless gas: inhalation may cause nausea, fainting and death.

5.  Warning! Danger of hot surfaces. Some of the outer surfaces on the machine can 

reach high temperatures. Some surfaces can remain hot after the motor is turned 

off. Maintain a safe distance.

6.  Warning! Risk of electric shock. Read the warnings.

7.  Prohibited! Do not connect the machine or supply energy to a fixed domestic or 

building power supply already connected to a fixed power supply line.

8.  Warning! Always connect the generator to an earth rod. Danger of electric shock.

9.  WARNING! The generator engine works exclusively with a mix of oil and petrol with 

2% oil. If this mixture is not used the engine will cause irreparable damage with 

immediate loss of the warranty.

10.  Overload trip switch with manual reset

11.  Noise level

12.  Machine model

13.  Technical data

14.  Lot and year of manufacture

15.  Mark of conformity

V Volt

Hz Hertz

~ ac

A Ampere

W Watt


alternated current


continue current


horse power


overhead valve


cubic centimeter

l litre

h hour

m metre


degrees centigrade

kg kilogramm

dB decibel


prime power (ISO8528-1) - power of continuous operation

maximum power  peak power


The internal combustion engine (2-stroke) transmits rotation by means of mechanical 

coupling with the alternator. This generates a certain voltage at its terminals and 

therefore the sockets.

The electricity produced and its stability depends on the motor’s power and regularity 

of operation. 

 This machine’s standard system must consist of: generator, power supply line, earth 

line, electric load.



WARNING! Risk of fire and explosion! Always switch the engine off before refil-

ling. The fuel and its fumes are highly inflammable. Do not pour the fuel onto hot 

surfaces.Work in a well ventilated area, do not smoke and keep away from naked 

flames and incandescent objects. Wear safety goggles and fire resistant gloves. 

Do not swallow, do not inhale the fumes given off by the fuel and keep it out of the 

reach of children. Avoid contact with skin. In the event of contact with the eyes, 

rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
WARNING! Do not use the machine in areas with a risk of explosion and/or fire, 

in indoor areas or in the presence of inflammable and/or explosive liquids, gases, 

powders, vapours, acids or elements. Do not use the machine in the presence of 

incendiary sources such as naked flames, cigarettes, sparks, etc. 


WARNING! Risk of poisoning. The motor gives off poisonous, odourless and co-

lourless gas containing carbon monoxide: inhalation may cause nausea, fainting 

and death. 
WARNING! Do not operate the machine in indoor or poorly ventilated environments. 

Seek immediate medical attention in the event of inhalation. 


WARNING! Risk of burns. During use, some external surfaces of the machine may 

reach high temperatures, and may remain hot for several hours after stopping the 

machine. Pay particular attention to the exhaust system and the hot parts of the 

motor, such as the cylinder head.


WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. Electricity is potentially dange-

rous and, if not used properly, produces electric shocks and electrocution, causing 

serious injury or death, fires and damage to electrical appliances.
Connect the machine to an earth rod.
WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. Keep children, unauthorised 

people and animals away from the generator.
WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. Connect electrical equipment 

(including plugs and extension cables) that are in good condition to the generator. 
Always check that the equipment’s voltage corresponds to the one supplied by the 

generator. If an extension cable is used, use a rubber insulated cable (conforming 

with IEC 245-4).
WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. Connecting the machine and 

supplying energy to a fixed power supply of a building already connected to a 

power supply line is prohibited and dangerous.  Only a qualified electrician is 

allowed to carry out this type of connection, in accordance with current laws and 

electrical norms. Incorrect connection can cause the electricity supplied by the 

generator to return into the public supply and therefore cause electric discharges 

to people working on the system. This type of connection can cause a serious risk 

of electrocution and death and can also cause the machine to catch on fire or 

explode as well as set fire to the building’s fixed power supply.
WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. The generator is potentially 

dangerous if used incorrectly. Do not touch it with wet hands or use it in damp 

environments, in the rain, snow or mist.
Connect the generator to an earth rod.
WARNING! Risk of electric shock and electrocution. Keep the extension cables, 

power supply cables, and the connected appliances away from the machine’s hot 

parts. Risk of damage.
WARNING! Check the power supply cable of your appliance. The power supply cable 

and extension cable (where applicable) must be checked periodically and must be 

checked for signs of damage and wear every time it is used.
   If it is not found to be in good condition it must be disconnected immediately and 

the appliance must not be used until it has been repaired.
WARNING! Keep the power supply cable of your appliance in a safe position. Keep 

the power supply cable and extension cable (where applicable) away from the 

generator, damp, wet, or oily surfaces, or surfaces with sharp edges, heat sources, 

fuel and transit areas for vehicles or pedestrians.


WARNING! Risk of suffocation. The nylon bags of the packaging can cause suffo-

cation if placed on the head and must be kept out of the reach of children. If they 

cannot be reused they must be cut up and thrown in the garbage.
WARNING! This machine must not be used by children or any persons not fully 

aware of the instructions for use contained in this manual.
WARNING! The operator is responsible for other people as far as accidents or 

damage caused by use of the machine is concerned. The operator is responsible 

Summary of Contents for Pocket 1000

Page 1: ...tiempos mezcla de gasolina y aceite INSTRUCCIONES PARAEL USO E INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Instrucciones originales ÌïíïöáóéêÞ ãåííÞôñéá με 2 χρονο κινητήρα βενζίνης μείγμα πετρελαίου ÅÃ ÅÉÑÉÄÉÏ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÑÇÓÇÓ ÊÁÉ ÏÄÇÃÉÙÍ ÁÓÖÁËÅÉÁÓ Ðñùôüôõðåò ïäçãßåò ATTENZIONE Prima di usare la macchina leggete attentamente le istruzioni per l uso CAUTION Before starting the machine read the operating instructions ...

Page 2: ... 2 ...

Page 3: ...tenza sonora garantito LwA 13 Livello di pressione acustica LpA 14 Peso complessivo macchina 15 Classe prestazioni ISO8528 1 16 Classe qualità ISO8528 8 17 Massima altitudine sul mare TECHNICAL DATA 1 Motor type 2 Motor power 3 Motor size 4 Consumption 5 Motor tank capacity 6 Standard spark plug 7 Nominal voltage frequency 8 PRP power as per ISO 8528 at cosϕ 1 9 Procedure for evaluating conformity...

Page 4: ... 4 ...

Page 5: ... 5 ...

Page 6: ...sti genera ai suoi morsetti e quindi alle prese una determinata tensione elettrica L energia elettrica prodotta e la sua stabilità dipende dalla potenza e dalla regolarità di funzionamento del motore L impianto tipo per questa macchina deve essere così composto generatore linea elettrica di alimentazione linea di messa a terra carico elettrico avvertenze DI SICUREZZA GENERALI 1 PERICOLO DI INCENDI...

Page 7: ...controllati Estraete la macchina ed i componenti forniti smontati dalla confezione verificate visivamente la perfetta integrità e procedete al loro assemblaggio come illustrato nel foglio allegato in caso di dubbio rivolgetevi al vostro rivenditore MOTORE A SCOPPIO Preparazione della miscela olio benzina e rifornimento Fig C e D ATTENZIONE pericolo di incendio ed esplosione Effettuare il rifornime...

Page 8: ...inare irrimedia bilmente la macchina Le parti in plastica sono aggredibili da agenti chimici Candela Controllare ogni 50 ore di funzionamento eventualmente sostituire Per il tipo di candela vedere i dati tecnici 1 Togliere la pipetta e svitare la candela con l apposita chiave 2 Esaminare la candela e nel caso fossero presenti residui carboniosi eliminarli con una spazzola metallica Se l elettrodo ...

Page 9: ...e secondo le leggi vigenti del luogo in cui vi trovate ATTENZIONE Prima di demolire la macchina scaricate completamente il ser batoio carburante scaricate l olio motore consegnandolo ad un centro raccolta olio usato Non gettate l imballo nei rifiuti ma portatelo ad un punto di raccolta per il riciclaggio Quando la macchina non è più utilizzabile ne riparabile procedete allo smontaggio delle parti ...

Page 10: ... REGULATIONS 1 RISK OF FIRE AND EXPLOSION WARNING Risk of fire and explosion Always switch the engine off before refil ling The fuel and its fumes are highly inflammable Do not pour the fuel onto hot surfaces Work in a well ventilated area do not smoke and keep away from naked flames and incandescent objects Wear safety goggles and fire resistant gloves Do not swallow do not inhale the fumes given...

Page 11: ... starting the machine WARNING The two stroke generator engine must be fuelled exclusively with a petrol oil mix with 2 lubricating oil If this mixture is not used the engine will cause irreparable damage with immediate loss of the warranty WARNING Each operation indicated below must be carried out while the motor is off and the motor start switch is in the STOP position Fig E Pos 6 How to prepare ...

Page 12: Fig E pos 1 to check that there are no leaks Petrol filter on the tank Clean the petrol filter under the tank s filler cap daily using a non flammable solvent Fig A 2 Parts inside the motor muffler valves combustion chamber etc Approximately every 300 hours of use have these parts checked at an authorised assistance centre MOVING THE GENERATOR WARNING Before moving the generator turn off the mo...

Page 13: ... utilisé de façon erronée Ne le touchez pas avec les mains mouillées ne l utilisez pas dans des locaux humides ou sous la pluie la neige et le brouillard Branchez le générateur à un piquet de mise à la terre f Tous nos compliments pour votre excellent choix Votre nouvelle machine fabriquée en adoptant des standards de qualité élevés vous garantira efficacité et sécurité dans le temps ATTENTION Le ...

Page 14: ...sques INDICATIONS POUR L UTILISATION MACHINE NE FONCTIONNANT PAS Arrêtez la machine déconnectez les appareils alimentés en débranchant toutes les fi ches des prises de la machine quand vous ne l utilisez pas la laissez sans surveillance la transportez d un endroit à un autre la nettoyez effectuez l entretien les conditions atmosphériques sont très mauvaises1 et en présence de risques potentiels TR...

Page 15: ...e jusqu à ce que la charge soit complète 6 Débranchez le pôle positif du générateur 7 Débranchez le pôle négatif du générateur 8 Arrêtez le générateur ENTRETIEN FIG G ATTENTION Toutes les opérations indiquées ci après doivent être effectuées avec le moteur arrêté et la fiche de la charge débranchée ATTENTION En cas de doutes consultez un centre d assistance agréé ATTENTION Pour l exécution d inter...

Page 16: ... après que vous avez exécuté les interventions décrites ci dessus ou en cas d anomalies différentes de celles susmentionnées apportez la dans un centre d assistance agréé Référez vous au modèle de machine et au numéro de lot reportés sur l étiquette des données techniques Référez vous toujours au modèle de machine et au numéro de matricule reportés sur l étiquette des données techniques et sur la ...

Page 17: ... pico PRINCIPIO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO El motor de combustión interna de explosión 2 tiempos trasmite por medio de un acoplamiento mecánico el movimiento giratorio al alternador éste genera a sus bornes y por lo tanto a las tomas una determinada tensión eléctrica La energía eléctrica producida y su estabilidad dependen de la potencia y de la regularidad de funcionamiento del motor La instalación típica...

Page 18: ...iga del embalaje la máquina y los componentes abastecidos desmontados verifique visualmente que estén perfectamente íntegros y proceda al montaje como se muestra en la hoja anexa en caso de dudas contacte con su revendedor MOTOR DE EXPLOSIÓN Preparación de la mezcla de aceite y gasolina y abastecimiento Fig C y D ATENCIÓN Peligro de incendio y explosión Realice el abastecimiento del com bustible c...

Page 19: ...e con una llave adecuada aproximadamente de giro en caso de bujía usada aproximadamente giro en caso de bujía nueva Filtro del aire Limpie cada 50 horas de funcionamiento eventualmente sustitúyalo En caso de uso en ambientes polvorosos reduzca los intervalos de limpieza 1 Abra la tapa de la caja del filtro Fig A parte 8 2 Retire el elemento de esponja 3 Lávelo con agua y jabón y enjuáguelo perfect...

Page 20: ...odos los componentes plásticos tienen una sigla de identificación del material del que están compuestos esto sirve para el reciclaje del mismo Modificaciones Los textos las figuras y los datos corresponden al estándar actualizado en la época de impresión del presente manual El productor se reserva la facultad de actualizar la documentación en caso de que se realicen variaciones en la máquina sin p...

Page 21: ...ðïéåßôå áõôü ôï ìßãìá ï êéíçôÞñáò èá áëÜóåé áíåðáíüñèùôá ìå ôçí Üìåóç Ýêðôùóç ôçò åããýçóçò 10 Ðñïóôáóßá õðåñöïñôßóåùí åéñïíáêôéêÞò åðáíáöïñÜò 11 Ç çôéêÞ óôÜèìç 12 ÌïíôÝëï ìç áíÞò 13 Ôå íéêÜ óôïé åßá 14 ÓåéñÜ êáé Ýôïò êáôáóêåõÞò 15 ÓôÜìðá óõììüñöùóçò V Volt Hz Hertz εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα A Ampere W Watt AC εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα DC συνεχές ρεύμα hp HP άλογο εξουσία OHV overhead valve cc κυβικά εκατοστά ...

Page 22: ...åò ÐÑÏÓÏ Ç Ìçí ðñïóðáèåßôå íá åðéóêåõÜóåôå ôç ìç áíÞ Þ íá ðáñÝìâåôå óôá åóùôåñéêÜ üñãáíá íá áðåõèýíåóôå ðÜíôá óôá åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíá êÝíôñá ôå íéêÞò õðïóôÞñéîçò Ïé åðåìâÜóåéò ðïõ äéåíåñãïýíôáé áðü ìç åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíï ðñïóùðéêü ðñïêáëåß ôçí Ýêðôùóç ôçò åããýçóçò êáé èá ìðïñïýóå íá äçìéïõñãÞóåé êßíäõíï Íá æçôÜôå ôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç ìüíï áõèåíôéêþí áíôáëëáêôéêþí áðåõèýíåóôå óôïí ìåôáðùëçôÞ óáò Ç ñçóéìïðïßçóç ...

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