Using Bluetooth “Remote button”
Bluetooth Remote button can be paired with the phone in User section under
"Paired devices". After successful pairing, the Remote button is shown with a
keyboard profile in paired devices list.
The Remote button device behaves as Bluetooth keyboard device until the user
configures it to be a Remote button. When Remote button is enabled then the
device appears, and behaves, as a Bluetooth Remote button device.
By pressing the Remote button, you can trigger certain action (e.g. under the
Function keys or on OpenScape Key Module 600) configured by you on your
OpenScape CP700. You can choose from the following keys:
• Function keys
• Key Module keys
Please note that the shifted level function of an Function keys cannot be select-
Using the Configuration option leads to the Configuration Menu for that device.
The device name is "Selfie" in the screens shown.
In this Configuration Menu the device can be identified as a Bluetooth Remote
button device via the "Remote button" status. The action of the entry allows the
Bluetooth Remote button device to be configured.