UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
Command format:
:MEASure:PDUTy? [<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring positive duty ratio of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e001
unit is %.
Command format:
:MEASure:NDUTy? [<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring negative duty ratio of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3, and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e001
unit is %
Command format:
:MEASure:PDELay? [<source1>,<source2>]
Functional description:
Measuring <source1> and <source2> relative to time delay of rise edge, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return-1.000e-004
unit is s.
For example:
Measuring the relative to time delay of rise edge
equivalent to