UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
For example:
:FUNCtion:OPERation ADD
use plus operator
query return ADD
Command format:
:FUNCtion:DIGital<n>:THReshold <value>
Functional description:
Set the logic threshold of specified channel, if great than the logic threshold take value as 1, less
than the logic threshold take value as 0, n take value as 1, 2, 3, 4.
Return format:
Query return 1.000e000
unit is V.
For example:
set the logic threshold value of channel 1 as 1V
query return 1.000e000
Command format:
:FUNCtion:SOURce<m> <
Functional description:
SOURce <m> presents source 1 or source 2, <m> take vaule as 1, 2.
SOURce1 is to select the first source of operator and math function or it can be single source of
Filter and FFT.
SOURce2 is to select the second source of operator and math function. Single source of Filter,
and FFT is not applicable.
<value> presents CHANnel<n>
<n> take vaule as 1/2/3/4{CH1/ CH2/ CH3/ CH4}.
Return format:
Query return<n> take value as 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9.
For example:
choose channel 1 as source 1
query return 1
choose channel 2 as source 2
query return 2
:FUNCtion:OPERation ADD
add source 1 and source 2