UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
For example:
set RS232 byte order as LSB
query return LSBFirst
Command format:
:SBUS:RS232:SOURce { CHANnel1 |
CHANnel2 |
CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }
Functional description:
Set encoding source of RS232.
Return format:
Query return{ CHANnel1 |
CHANnel2 |
CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }.
For example:
set channel 1 as RS232 bus encoding source
query return CHANnel1
Command format:
:SBUS:RS232:POLarity { POSitive | NEGative }
Functional description:
Set the polarity of RS232 bus encoding, POSitive and NEGative.
Return format:
Query return{ POSitive | NEGative }.
For example:
:SBUS:RS232:POLarity POSitive
set the polarity of RS232 bus encoding as POSitive
query return POSitive
Command format:
Functional description:
Set parity of RS232 bus.
Return format:
Query return{EVEN | ODD | NONE}.